Transforming a vehicle into a mobile work unit requires many
products and multiple disciplines. Combined with Ring Automotive’s 40 years vehicle lighting and auto
electronics knowledge, Ring Carnation offers a unique proposition to transform
vehicles with power and light, enabling vehicles to operate safely as
mobile work units in various extreme conditions.
Ring Carnation services the emergency and specialist vehicle
sectors with intelligent switching and power management systems to maintain
correct battery power.
Power Management Our genisys™ technology is an
integral part of many converted vehicles on the roads, configured to each
vehicle’s power demands and able to manage those power demands for efficient
operation. The genisys™ system manages the numerous applications within the
vehicle to ensure power is maintained and provides safer working vehicles for
the fleet manager and work force.
Powering and Charging When working remotely having a
source of mains power is vital to ensure tools and other equipment on the
vehicle can be operated efficiently. Being able to charge both the chassis
battery and an auxiliary battery is also a must to ensure maximum power is always
available. Working either separately or in conjunction with our genisys™
technology packages, or range of inverters and charging equipment ensures
maximum work efficiency.
Rear Working Area The essence of converting a vehicle
is to make it suitable as a mobile work station. It is often the rear of the
vehicle that is converted to make the mobile operating platform possible. Ring
Carnation have a large range of lighting to make working on-site easier and
more importantly, safer. All our lighting packages ensure industry guidelines
of correct light level are adhered to.
Safe Working Good
scene lighting is important for illuminating the area of work both internally
and externally. Warning lights are as important so other road users can see you
more clearly while working. It is essential that correct external illumination
and hazard warning systems meet the relevant legislations